czwartek, 29 lipca 2010


when i'm drunk i keep on thinking i love you
whereas sober, i'm hesitating between love for myself and love for you
while sober, just the love for the world seems obvious.... and based on being an integral part of the world, just self - loving is certain

- Certainty, certainty, certainty! - said Ale
- Stop swearing! - rebuked her God


Gdziekolwiek znajde ziarenko sezamu, musze je wrazic do buzi i oczywiscie z dzika satysfakcja rozgryzc, wyssac lekko goryczkawy smak, a nastepnie z rozkosza przelknac. Na szczescie mam za slaby wzrok, by ziarenka sezamu dostrzec na chodniku na przyklad.... (tak jakby codziennych ponizen wynikajacych z dziwactwa bylo jeszcze malo) :P

Who is happy who is sad
Who is crazy who is mad

the rest of the post has been deleted as the 2010 "in love dementia" ended a long time ago

poniedziałek, 26 lipca 2010

zanim zdążyłam zrobić chłodnik (z zakupionych już produktów), pogoda zmieniła się na "chłodnik" szczęście jogurt ma okres trwałości jakoś do połowy sierpnia, tyle więc daję słońcu do powrotu.... albo nie, przecież nie jestem miłościwa (a mściwa i chciwa:D)! żądam więc powrotu upału jeszcze w tym tygodniu, bo jak jest lato, musi być i chłodnik (w dzbanku, a nie w powietrzu). amen

tak wyglada chłodnik litewski:

a tak "chłodnik" sarajewski:

sobota, 24 lipca 2010

Kilka zdjęć Sarajewskich, kategoria: DZIWY

Sarajevo Bay

yyyy, opalanie.... (a bylo z 35'C)

A while ago I had a thought that Barcelona would be as beautiful and charming as Sarajevo, if only people there spoke B/H/S (Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, the official languages of BiH).
I am sticking to that thought, not apologizing to all Barcelona lovers (even a bit) and continuing to be a Sarajevo lover.... a very faithful one

piątek, 23 lipca 2010

Karmą między oczy....

If you broke your leg running to read her message, you love her.
If you remember every detail of how she was dressed, you love her.
If you see something in a shop and buy it just because she would like it, you love her.

If you bring him a sandwich, because he might be hungry, you love him.
If you could jump off a cliff into water holding hands with him, you love him.
If you smile thinking of things you do together, you love him.

Cheap? I know...

środa, 21 lipca 2010

marzę o wakacjach na wsi! o stopach ukurzonych pedałowaniem przez polne drogi i owocach z krzaka, w przerwach między czytaniem na kocu i rozmowami z Babcią i Dziadkiem! sielanko, beztrosko, idyllo!



środa, 14 lipca 2010

twoje życie nie jest ostre, paciuloku! /dialog z samą sobą/
a paciulok na to: może nieostre, ale za to jakie zielone!

sobota, 10 lipca 2010

plany / plans

I would like to apologise to all my future readers (as the blog has not yet been revealed :D) for not having updated for a while now, but there's one thing I am not too proud of, that you ought to be aware of: my lack of orderliness (right next to being llllate) is the only disadvsantage I am planning to admit to you, my lovely Readers...

Nonetheless, am working on them really hard (well, okay, just hard) and one of the ways would be setting goals. Such is, announcing few themes I am going to write about very soon (or just soon) :)))

They are already there, at the tip of my tongue and at the tips of finger tips :)

/on the picture: (not) my bike in (not my) garage/

The upcoming themes are:
1) rebound (ha ha, you'll see)
2) bicycles in Sarajevo (I really wish the city would once become a bike - friendly one..., altogether with Katowice, etc., but we're heading there... - on two wheels of course!) hopefully :D
3) some reasons for staying in Sarajevo
4) ............... surprise! (also for me! :D)

Let us think of a deadline. 2 weeks? 1? we'll see

Ps. tomorrow, I am going to Potocari and Srebrenica, but, as am trying to keep the blog sunny, will re - think reflecting on tomorrow's (already 2nd time) visit on these friendly Blog pages. Perhaps will just keep them in personal drawer (and heart...)

However, there already is one blog covering The Issue, which I would like to advice you

Have a good Sunday,

pora znaleźć czas na pisanie (choć go notorycznie braaaak), ale sądzę, że najbardziej słuszną strategią będzie po prostu, miast zamieszczania postów na FB, zamieszczanie ich na BG :D
gdy tylko uda się nabrać tego nawyku, BG zacznie zapełniać się mniej lub bardziej istotnymi postami :)

tak zrobię. od dziś :)